Above are the main ideas for the layout for my digital signature, each with a brief explanation. All the designs are very ordered in appearance, which was a conscious decision from the out set, due to the fact that one of my main, and possibly best and worse, characteristics is that I am a very organised person always thinking through to the next thing, with every possible variable, to the point of being obsessive. I always like to be in control of situations and can not stand chaos. Also all designs emphasize ‘Jon’ more so than ‘Moore’ for the previously mentioned reasons of believing my name ‘Jon’ is my unique identity, whereas ‘Moore’ is just a given family name which has no bearing on my person, like my family doesn’t.
The designs on the right hand side of the page all show these qualities but I feel that they don’t show anything beyond that. The three on the left hand side have deeper meanings. Again all show the previous qualities but the bottom design is drawn to be like a mirrored reflection, showing that your family does have an imprint on your personal traits and makeup. The middle design shows a similar theme with your uniqueness being linked and merged within your family influences. However the top design represents all those ideas, but also has the added dimension of creating a cross like image to represent that I am more than one sided in my personality and that my life has had some crossroads where I have had to make brave decisions to make me a better person, and the person I am today.

The page above is the cross shaped format refined into a final layout and colour design, again with full explanations. First off I tried the design with the colour purple for ‘Jon’ as it would show another aspect of myself, with purple being my favorite colour. Then the ‘Moore’ would be coloured light blue, a colour below purple on the colour spectrum, denoting ‘Moore’ being below ‘Jon’ in my opinion. However throughout refining the design I felt that it would be better to symbolize this opinion by having ‘Jon’ in capitals, and ‘Moore’ in lower case, along with using widely different font sizes. I also returned the design back to being black and white, black for ‘Jon’, white for ‘Moore’, for two reasons. One, I feel it gives the design a more ordered, mature look, and two, it signifies how I often see the world in things being black or white. The final tweaks to the design were to make the connecting ‘o’ in the two words to be grey as this is logical to show the merger between the black and the white, but also signifies that I am only human and sometimes there are grey areas. Finally I’ve decided to add shadow to ‘Moore’ as it adds depth to the family name, and therefore represents the history. I also feel that this would make the design more aesthetically pleasing, which is the reason for placing the design to the left of frame.
The designs on the right hand side of the page all show these qualities but I feel that they don’t show anything beyond that. The three on the left hand side have deeper meanings. Again all show the previous qualities but the bottom design is drawn to be like a mirrored reflection, showing that your family does have an imprint on your personal traits and makeup. The middle design shows a similar theme with your uniqueness being linked and merged within your family influences. However the top design represents all those ideas, but also has the added dimension of creating a cross like image to represent that I am more than one sided in my personality and that my life has had some crossroads where I have had to make brave decisions to make me a better person, and the person I am today.

The page above is the cross shaped format refined into a final layout and colour design, again with full explanations. First off I tried the design with the colour purple for ‘Jon’ as it would show another aspect of myself, with purple being my favorite colour. Then the ‘Moore’ would be coloured light blue, a colour below purple on the colour spectrum, denoting ‘Moore’ being below ‘Jon’ in my opinion. However throughout refining the design I felt that it would be better to symbolize this opinion by having ‘Jon’ in capitals, and ‘Moore’ in lower case, along with using widely different font sizes. I also returned the design back to being black and white, black for ‘Jon’, white for ‘Moore’, for two reasons. One, I feel it gives the design a more ordered, mature look, and two, it signifies how I often see the world in things being black or white. The final tweaks to the design were to make the connecting ‘o’ in the two words to be grey as this is logical to show the merger between the black and the white, but also signifies that I am only human and sometimes there are grey areas. Finally I’ve decided to add shadow to ‘Moore’ as it adds depth to the family name, and therefore represents the history. I also feel that this would make the design more aesthetically pleasing, which is the reason for placing the design to the left of frame.
All the ideas that you have posted are creative and catchy. But I wanted to know that when creating all these layouts have you followed all the rules of digital signature creation.
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