Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Directions

After the past few lectures, which have focused on the Arduino boards, and new ways of looking at currently existing products and what you can do with them by breaking them down to their base components and uses, we have decided to change our direction of our group project.

The past few lectures have completely changed my thought processes, the simplest idea of just reusing existing products and technologies, and taking their uses for different purposes, frankly, had just eluded me. The example of a cheap key ring which flashes and makes a sound when you whistle, being broken down to give you a sound sensor as an input, with a light and speaker as outputs, sounds obvious because that is precisely what the technology is, I had just never thought of it in those terms before. However by changing your thinking this way and combining that thought with the capabilities of a piece of equipment like the Arduino board, you open up a world of possibilities.

The first idea involves the old theatre in Union Street and camera trickery. We still plan to use Union Street as our location, however the rig we would have needed to achieve our previous idea was impractical in every sense, including financially, and the outcome would not have been worth the input. Another reason for changing our project was due to the time of year. Our previous idea hinged on the images fading in and out based on the inputs, which were random, so by aiming for the commuter hours of between 5pm and 6pm the image may have been completely invisible due to the combination of a low input and the daylight at that time of year. So we have decided to change to incorporate the Arduino and these simple ‘hacks’.

To start this process we have decided to come up with separate ideas first, then join together as a group to use either one or parts of these separate ideas. So my idea would be to use a wireless device like a computer mouse and hack it so it acts as an input on the Arduino board. This input would come from attaching a light sensor to the left mouse button, then placing it on the red traffic light signal so when the cars stop the light input clicks the mouse and tells the Arduino board to tell the computer to start the projection for our now captive audience. To link it to our original idea of bringing the history of the area back to the present, the projection will start by displaying the famous red curtains of the theatre, these will open to reveal images which represent modern world data taken from ‘worldometers’, which hopefully depending on how it is represented, people will find these images interesting, artistic, and shocking. The show will stop after a short delay when the lights turn green, with an old fashion TV shutoff style effect back to black. This on off effect will also hopefully mean people will want to stop and wait for the next show.

Also to find out more about low tech toy hacks visit ‘

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My TV bumper animatic

This is my TV bumper animatic. I chose to tell the story of my life so far in a comic book style which highlights the most important events that have happened. I wanted to pack in a lot but have it moving at a quick pace to hold the audience's attention, the music also enhances this effect. To me the bumper really shows what the final product is capable of being, however in the final piece I intend for all the images to be of a much higher standard, created by mixing real footage and photographs in combination with tools like photoshop and illustrator to give them a more comic/pop art styling.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First step, Twitter

The first thing that I have done is to redesign my Twitter account. I was amazed at how much I use Twitter, compared to how much I thought I would use it. The redesign of my website is a huge undertaking so will be done over a larger time, whereas to change this port which a visit frequently only needed me to have completed two elements in my new theme, but would achieve great effect.

The first part was to finish my new little avatar, along with the character which I hope one day will become synonymous with me and my work. Therefore below are the finished designs.

Shown below is that change in my Twitter account, from using a template theme and previous (amateur) avatar, to my new custom made theme with my new avatar, which will be the launching point for my new designed website. All following my new plans very closely, which a lot of effort and thought went into.

New brand J!

After my last post I found time, and implemented the changes I suggested. However once it was done I found myself staring at the finished products and not being happy. The problem is that I was trying to add onto a theme which I had not created for the long term, and one which did not reflect what I am about or where I wanted to be. The only reason that I can think of for doing this was fear, fear of the unknown. I have never had a stab at making it in this discipline before, so wanted to stick to the basic skill set I have learnt so I wouldn’t fail, but by doing that the results were no better. So I took a step back, decided what I really wanted, and drew up the rough ideas to start achieving this, I will worry about the how along the journey and hopefully improve my skill set exponentially.

Below are my basic designs which I plan to act upon over the next few months.

Arduino project example three

A more practical, ahem, example of modding a modern piece of equiptment using an Arduino board to make it more fun/easier to use

Arduino project example two

Using the board with another package to create an interactive video game

Arduino project example one

This is a cool little segway robot which uses the Arduino board in conjunction with, my favourite, Lego parts and motors

Arduino Boards

"Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments."

The boards can be both bought or made, and the software is free to download. The arduino software is very similar to processing in both appearance and usability, and can be used in conjunction with one another. The software can also be used with other software like Flash, MaxMSP. There are numerous sensors which can be easily plugged into the board to create a very versatile tool.

The five main reasons to choose the Arduino board are:
· Inexpensive
· Cross-platform
· Simple, clear programming environment
· Open source and extensible software
· Open source and extensible hardware

There are copious amounts of websites on the internet which deal with Arduino based projects, and tutorials for the boards and software. Two of the best I have found are ‘Hack a mod’ or ‘Practical arduino’, the next few posts are going to be some examples of projects using Arduino which I have found interesting.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My 3D model final

Below are a selection of screen shots taken of the 3D modeling process, followed by the posting of the movie on YouTube, and the final movie itself. Hope you enjoy, I was proud of it when it was completed, and really enjoyed working with 3D.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Final storyboard for TV bumper

Below are scanned images of the final storyboard which I will base my TV bumper upon, I apologise for the quality, as these were done with pencil which doesn't scan very well. The idea focuses on special moments from my life so far, presented in an animated comic fashion. I just wanted to place these on my blog to document the whole process of my TV bumper from start to finish.

My 3D Lego test movie

Below is the first test movie of my modeled Lego bricks, it is from a distant camera view so the detail is hard to see, and the animation is just to test the bricks in a 3D space. Look for the full video soon.

My 3D model

As anyone who has visited my personal website has seen, I love Lego, especially Star Wars Lego. Now I know it is extremely geeky but I have grown up with it , but have just never grown out of it. Due to this passion I felt it would be the perfect choice of objects for me to model and animate, and would represent a hobby in my life. Below are some examples of my collection along with some basic plans for the 3D scene.

Brand J!

As I have mentioned in my recent posts I am trying to revamp my online persona and presence. To do this I have spent some time selectively increasing the number of people I follow, and have contact with, using Twitter. This is a small step to help bolster my plans. I have also finalised a personal avatar which I am now using on Twitter and hope to spread this into a brand.

Below I have incorporated this avatar into a banner idea for my personal website. I still need to lock down a solid idea so i have something which I can work towards.

More examples of AR part 2

A really cool handheld augmented reality game which is currently in development, which I believe could easily be replicated or implimented on a device like the apple i-phone.

More examples of AR

Here is the Playstations 'Eye Pet' in action.

Eye pet from Group Vandamme on Vimeo.

Augmented reality

‘’Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or augmented by) virtual computer-generated imagery - creating a mixed reality.’’

I find augmented reality really fascinating as a concept, it has been around for many years, 1957-62: Morton Heilig, a cinematographer, creates and patents a simulator called Sensorama with visuals, sound, vibration, and smell. I love computer games, and in this form it started as virtual reality and the old 3D holographic fighters from the late 80’s. More recently it has become more commercial for the Sony Playstation with the ‘Eye’ range of games and most recently with London Studio’s ‘Eye Pet’ where players interact with a virtual pet via a unique symbol being read by the camera on the TV, and creating an object which is interacted with by manipulating this physical piece of card.

Below is an example which one of our group members, Luke Mears, created using the AR application found at ecomagination.

eco AR from Luke Mears on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


After playing about with Photoshop and Illustrator I created this simple 70's inspired disco girl image.

New online signature

Just wanted to play about with my online signature, I always sign off texts or e-mails to friends and family with just J!, a capital J and an exclamation mark, I also like the colour scheme on my website, as mentioned before, red, whites and blacks. Combining these elements with simple shapes, like the triangles which already exist on my website, I have created these basic ideas to follow up on, and create a mark which instantly makes me recognisable.

Thermal WiFi Union Street

Using the hertzian space visualisation I created of Union Street, using a WiFi enabled phone, as a basis and guide, I have created this image mixing the thermal imaging technique to represent the WiFi hotspots. The areas of red are where the signals are strong, and the white bright areas are where the signals are most concentrated. The reverse is also true with the blues and greens being the weaker edges of the signals.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Flash game revisited

Having now had a chance to test my game online, I have concluded that I would make a few small changes. The main change I would make would be to turn the static duck images into animated clips to make the game look better. Other changes I would make would be to make the sound clips finish once the reset button is clicked to take the player back to the start screen, and when the game switches to its night mode at 7pm I would like the title screen to change to represent this, with that game screen having a small red laser dot image for the targeting, rather than the same crosshairs. However, overall I am very pleased with the finished product as it is and don’t believe that these small changes would effect the game play.