The final piece in my online presence puzzle was the fact that I wanted to host my own blog at my domain name. I no longer wanted my blog on a different random address, so people wouldn't have to look in two different places to gain access to my full body of work. I wanted it to be in the same place as everything else, so to achieve this I tried using the download from but had trouble to install it as my hosting doesn't support one click install. After thinking logically about the problem I decided that I could either change the styling of my blogger blog, or I could try looking for another blog host.
Eventually I discovered that my hosting allowed for a blog to be set up through them, this meant that not only would I be hosting it at my domain name, but I would have complete control over it in terms of styling as well. This also meant that I could link it into the design of my website structure, which I have done. The only problem whilst setting it up was that it did not allow for the old blog to be imported, so each of the 88 posts had to be copied across one at a time.
Below is a picture of the final blog, which completes the start up of brand J! on the web, well for the time being.
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