First of all, I am a massive gamer, not a very good gamer, but still I spend a lot of my free time clicking buttons and wiggling analogue sticks. I love flash games for many reasons. Firstly they are free, secondly I have always had computer games since I was young and therefore remember a time when today’s standard of flash game would have been considered futuristic in comparison, and finally they are quick and fun.
Most of today’s mainstream games, in my opinion, are too concerned with realism, both in terms of content and mechanics. The marketplace is mainly flooded with sports titles, FPS, or racing games, where as the player you either need to be an athlete or a soldier in order to get anywhere through the game. Gaming should be a escapist experience of fun, not a second career which you have to practise at just to get through the opening level. Quite recently, whilst playing on a beta version of an upcoming game, I shot someone on my own team, just to see if it would register, but the man took offence because he lost some points, and proceeded to follow me around for the next 30 mins shooting me and shouting abuse down his headset because he was genuinely enraged (not fun, and he needs to get a life).
The point is that although I own most of the modern gaming consoles, I spend most of my time playing either Nintendo Wii or Flash games online as both are short, easy, and fun. The two main sites I use are thepcmanwebsite or flashgames247. My favourite flash games are “Portal” a 2D version of Valve’s masterpiece, “Warthog launch” a Halo themed puzzle game, “Demolition city 2” as it says, a demolition game, and “stickman-game” a cool, noir-ish shooter.
The old school shooter like “Duck Hunt”, “Operation Wolf”, or “Time Crisis” are my favourite genre of gaming, so my own game is going to be along those lines.

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