Using a GPS enabled device in conjunction with ‘Google maps’, we set ourselves a few simple rules to follow whilst walking around the city centre, then I mapped the results with my unique interpretation. The rules we followed were to firstly follow a group (3 or more) of male young adults, then change to a group of mixed young adults when their path intersects ours, and then swap to a group of female young adults when their path intersects ours, before going back to the beginning using the same rules.
Below is a basic map with our GPS locations dotted on, and also my take on the findings using a graffiti/modern art look to show the paths as we were in a city centre following youths, and I believed these two ideas could be represented with that iconic style. I also slightly extended the paths to show the direction the groups were heading before we changed direction. I used blue for boys, red for girls, and yellow for mixed groups. I also used a 3D effect with the slight differences in height representing the different group sizes.
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