Thursday, November 19, 2009


Self development and improvement is key in every aspect of your life, whether it be educational, personal, or for your career. The plan below is designed to make you think about the key aspects which are needed to have a clear focus, and therefore achieve your end goal. Personally I view myself as a very organised person who manages their time well, and tries to succeed in every task they take on. However, I strongly believe that what one person views as a strength, another can view as a weakness. For example, I think it is a strength to keep my surroundings tidy, as ‘tidy person, tidy mind’, but my wife views this as a weakness as she views it as obsessive. My point is, I have done many of these forms throughout my life, and also I have had to administer them as well, and my findings and beliefs are that if a person wishes to succeed in any given task which is within their realm of capability, they will, if they are not bothered, they won’t. No form like this is going to change somebody dramatically if they don’t already have the internal drive, it would, and does, take a much greater agent of change.

After all that though I have completed the form for the purpose of the exercise, focusing mainly on technical skills, which I would have already strived to gain, and lack of confidence in front of unknown groups of individuals, which I may become better at masking but will never change.

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